Natural Health & Wellness Coaching
A holistic way of life to find inner radiance, beauty and good health. Small bio-individual steps towards wellness, can bring about a powerful transformation. Being healthy can be effortless.
~Find food freedom
~Quit yo-yo dieting
~Sleep better
~Fun body movement
~Change emotional eating patters
~ Improve your energy levels and mood ~Reset your gut micro-biome
~Hormonal balance
Are you ready to find your 'tsuriai' ?

The Tsuriai Method
Tsuriai means, balance or equilibrium, in Japanese. Good health is being in a state of balance and harmony. Its about finding 'what works' bio-individually for you. Our approach is to support you on your journey, to find an effortless way to health.
Let's work together

Transformational Health Coaching
One on one sessions
Every individual is unique, so are our needs and body types. There never is a one size fits all when it comes to health. Work one on one to discover 'what works for you'. Bio-individuality is essence in finding a path to optimum health.

Corporate Experiences & Events
Wellness in the workplace
Transformational experiences for teams : not only do these experiences build awareness towards healthier life choices, they also make for an uplifting team building activity. Curated with great attention to detail and customised for your organisation.

Virtual Support Group
Bi-monthly online meeting
A safe and non-judgemental group, to share your challenges, small victories and patterns around creating good health. Find support by sharing - everything from emotional eating, body image, food addictions, lack of motivation to exercise to orthorexia.

Luxury Wellness Holidays
An uplifting experience
Immersive experiences, curated holidays, to reconnect, rejuvenate and relax. Every experience is designed to bring us close to nature, healthy eating and long walks. Just 5 days and we come back renewed and ready to follow our oath to good health.
(Paused due to Covid-19)

About Me
Hello! I'm Rashi and I graduated from The London School of Economics and Political Science and worked in the corporate sector for several years, only to realise for me to find meaning -I need to make a difference in peoples lives. It was my path to fulfilment, my calling, so I transitioned to coaching, mediation, facilitation and have been working with hundreds of clients from around the globe, to assist them on their journey to 'Tsuriai'. I am a trained Health and Wellness coach, from IIN New York. I look forward to working with you.